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Mastercam 2018 grid settings free

An introduction to Mastercam’s File menu, also known as the Backstage, where you manage and print files, alter System Configuration, customize the interface. Rotate Alt+Arrow keys. Drafting global options. Alt+D Select all. Ctrl+A Exit Mastercam Alt+F4 Selection grid parameters. Alt+G Fit geometry to screen.
Mastercam Mill-Turn Improvements – Cimquest Inc..Mastercam How To Tips | PDF | Icon (Computing) | Computer File
An introduction to Mastercam’s File menu, also known as the Backstage, where you manage and print files, alter System Configuration, customize the interface. Mastercam How to Tips – Free ebook download as PDF File .pdf), Changing Tool Settings Defaults – Mastercam 43 Grid and WCS Display free training tutorial series interface tutorial mastercam interface to order more books: call or The Grid Settings dialog box appears as shown.
Mastercam 2018 grid settings free.Mastercam 2018 Mill-Turn Improvements
Installation Steps 1. Select the link and download mastercamfsw. Pick the option to save the file and place it in a location you will remember, i. Double click on the mastercamfsw. Select Yes to allow the app to make changes to your device. Make sure that Mastercam is selected as shown. To do this, go to Tools, Add-Ins. Pick the option to activate the Add-in and the option to start up so Mastercam for SolidWorks starts when you boot SolidWorks.
Note: You can only have one version of Mastercam for SolidWorks active at a time. If you wish to use an older version, you must first de-activate the version you are currently using and then activate the version you wish to utilize. Tip: If you are installing Mastercam for SolidWorks on multiple computers, put the mastercamfsw. Also ensure you back up the mastercamfsw. Evaluation Code Installation and Troubleshooting – Mastercam Download and install the most recent version of Mastercam from:.
Evaluation Codes will work for both and and only need to be installed under one version in order for them to take effect. Running Mastercam with Evaluation License If a Hasp or NetHasp is not used on this computer, Mastercam will automatically use the evaluation license. If Mastercam is already being used on this computer, create a shortcut that can be used while the evaluation is active.
To do this, go to:. Set License Type to Software in the bottom left hand corner and select the products you would like to run and select Create Shortcut. Note: This document is intended for Hasp licensing. Fix 2 It is possible the connection to the HASP was lost or the port is no longer working as expected.
Move the HASP to another port. Nethasp Unable to Launch Mastercam from Workstation – Mastercam Issue: When launching Mastercam from a workstation that needs to access the Nethasp for licensing, if it does not have access, one or both of the below pop-ups will occur. Customize Right Click Menu There are two ways to access the Right mouse button menu customization page. Both selections will open the Options dialog box. To add additional tools, select the appropriate Category from the drop down menu.
Select the desired feature and select the Add button. In the Selected item field select the Browse button and find the location where you want to save the files.
Set the defaults in the Stock setup as required. As an example, click on the corner to change the stock origin as shown. Discover other Mastercam Training Solutions at www. Training Solutions Available :. While there, Site Licenses be sure to join the conversation! Sitewide Subscriptions!
In the Selected item’s file name, select the file that you want to use as the operation library default. If you would like your background to be gradient, select the gradient start and gradient end color, and set your preferred Gradient background direction. If you would like a solid background color, select the Background Colors, and set the Gradient background direction to None.
Setting the Grid Size and Spacing This is controlled within the Configuration and there are two ways to access this. You can customize the toolbar by adding or removing commands from it. Ribbon You can customize a ribbon by creating a new tab. Besides adding and removing commands, you can hide entire tabs by turning off the checkbox before their name.
The Ribbon tabs can be activated to appear or deactivated to disappear by checking the boxes beside them. Note:Icons from different categories can be added to the same Ribbon tab. Icons can be added to existing Ribbon tabs. Backing up Toolbars Toolbars are contained within the workspace file which is user specific.
To restore this workspace, add it to another user or add to another workstation and place the file in the same location. Keep in mind that workspaces are user specific. If Auto Hide is disabled the pin icon points down , the Manager tabs will appear at the bottom of the manger panel.
There is a mcam file for each character. These files can be opened and modified. If these are going to be modified, it is highly recommended that the new files be saved in their own folders. This way the originals will not be overwritten.
To select a new font or one that has been modified and has been saved to its own folder , select Mastercam Other Font and browse the folder the font is stored in.
TrueType Fonts can be added to a system. Each font will be saved in its own file with the extension ttf. There are a few methods to add a TrueType Font to a system and the method may vary depending on the Windows version present. Therefore one may need to look into the steps required if the below is not applicable to their system.
One may also notice overlapping and duplicated geometry when attempting to modify a drawing. Mastercam can help find these entities and delete them. This will make toolpathing and modifying drawings easier. Select the surface. Drag the arrow to the desired edge for curve creation.
Click to select the edge. Repeat the steps until all desired curves have been created. Dynamic Transform Dynamic function allows you to manipulate geometry orientation and location using an interactive gnomon. You can translate, translate in 3D, and rotate all within one powerful function. Although the same functionality is available, the command works slightly different. The Dynamic Gnomon helps you to manipulate geometry orientation and location interactively.
The gnomon comprises three axes connected at the origin, with selection points that let you choose different types of transformations.
The image below shows these selection points, with the links on the right providing detailed information on each. Edge Selection Using Color Mask Quick Mask Toolbar, aligned vertically on the right edge of the graphics window, allows you to control entity selection based of a defined criteria. Each Quick Mask button has two functions, select all or select only, depending on whether you click the left half or right half of the button.
Hover over you mouse over each button half to view its function. In the Select All dialog box enable the color that is the same with the entities that you want to select. Transform Move to Origin Move to Origin will move all visible entities relative to the point selected to the origin. If in 2D mode, the entities will move in the X and Y axis only but maintain the current Z values.
If in 3D mode, the entities will move in all axes. Therefore the point selected to move to the origin will be placed at 0,0,0. In this example, the top of the part will need to be Z zero and the part needs to be in positive X and Y.
Expand your Mastercam knowledge, anytime and at your own pace, with our selection of step-by-step online video eCourses. Transform Move to Origin. To reset the geometry color, right click in the graphics window and select the Clear Colors icon. The commands allow you to modify the solid in Mastercam.
Model Prep commands required a solid without history. Removing a solid’s history strips all operations and features from a selected solid model and converts the solid into a “brick” in the Solids Manager. If there is a solid history linked to this part, the pop-up below may occur.
In order to process, the history will need to be removed. Specify the desired Compensation orientation. Set the tool geometry parameters in the Define Tool Geometry page, then select Next button to continue. Select the tool s you would like to add to another library from the lower window. Then use the up arrow to move them to the upper window. Select the tool s you would like to add to this library from the upper window.
Then use the down arrow to move it to the lower window. Create a new Level and name it “Custom Tool. Draw the custom holder vertically with the tip of the holder on X0, Y0. Draw only half of the holder, as the profile will revolve to create a complete holder.
The holder must be drawn as a continuous chain, meaning there can be no overlaps or duplicate entities. Note: Draw the custom tool with the tip of the tool on X0, Y0.
A custom lathe tool must be drawn with two closed chains in two different colors. Each chain must be drawn as a continuous chain, meaning there can be no overlaps or duplicate entities.
Then select Save To Library. Draw the custom tool vertically with the tip of the tool on X0, Y0. Draw only half of the tool, as the profile will revolve to create a complete tool. Make sure it is an open chain. The tool must be drawn as a continuous chain, meaning there can be no overlaps or duplicate entities.
Mill Saving Tool that was Created in an Operation Mill tools created in an operation will not automatically save to the library. Feedrate Based on the Tool Definition Mastercam Lock feedrates in Configuration, locks the feeds and speeds set in the toolpath parameters. If you change the feeds and speeds in the tool definition, and want to use those values each time you select the same tool, you should disable the option as shown in the following steps.
Using Solids for Toolpath Mastercam Solid features can be selected for the entities required for toolpath creation. How these features are selected can be slightly different depending whether 2D toolpaths or surface toolpaths are being used. These toolpaths are contour, drill, pocket, face, engraving, and 2D High Speed Toolpaths. When selecting from a solid, a specific face s or edge may be required while excluding the rest of the solid s. In order to make this available,.
Solid Selection can be activated while selecting the entities. By default you can select the solid faces or the entire solid. Why High Speed Dynamic Toolpath Stepover Changes When backplotting or verifying a high speed dynamic toolpath, one may notice that the step-over appears to be inconsistent. The reason for this is that Mastercam takes the stepover value entered within the toolpath parameters as a guideline. This maintains a more constant chip load.
It is used to wrap a toolpath around a cylinder. The geometry can be either flat or already properly oriented in 3D space select the Unroll option if this is so. Using this option, the part will be rotated about the rotating axis while the tool moves perpendicular to the axis of rotation. Rotary diameter sets the size of the cylinder that the toolpath is rotating about. It is used mainly for toolpaths on cylinders. Before you can create rotary axis motion, you need to properly configure the rotary axis components in your machine definition.
You will only be able to select rotary axis options which are supported by your machine definition. To see the result as shown in the picture above, you might need to scroll down and enable Counterclockwise. Enable Axis Substitution and select the appropriate axis in this example select Y axis is used. Plane From Gview Rotate your part using the middle mouse button to a desired view other than the seven existing plane views listed in the Planes Manager.
Note: The Z axis will lie on the selected line pointing in either direction and the gnomon will be placed on the nearest corner. Positive vs Negative Stock Negative stock is the opposite of positive stock but there are some things you need to keep in mind when using these functions. If the outcome is not what is required, the model needs to be modified to suit the desired outcome.
Positive Stock The interior corners will offset from the profile and clip away the excess to maintain a sharp corner. The exterior corners will offset which will result in a gap; the gap is filled with a fillet. Negative Stock The interior corners will offset which will result in a gap; the gap is filled with a fillet. The exterior corners will offset from the profile and clip away the excess to maintain a sharp corner. Note: Mastercam does not have thread mill tools in the default library.
Number of active teeth Sets the number of teeth used to cut the thread. You can enter a value of one 1 even for multi-tooth cutters.
A greater number of active teeth reduces the number of revolutions needed to cut the thread. Thread Pitch Sets the distance between the teeth of the thread mill.
If using a single point cutter enter the pitch of the thread you are trying to create. In the Linking Parameters, set the Clearance plane, Top of thread and Thread depth to the desired coordinates.
Nesting – Part Spacing and Margins When setting part spacing and margins for a nested sheet is important to have a small space. This document will go over some basics of when it comes to part spacing and margins when nesting however there is more information available through the help menu.
This can be easily accessed within. Nest To… When setting part to part distance and margins, where these will reference to needs to be taken into consideration. Note: All changes to Nesting Configuration need to be made before adding parts or creating nest.
If changes are required nest will need to be recreated. Nesting to Tool Diameter will force all toolpaths to use control compensation. This will result in a larger space between parts. Part to Part Distance Part to part distance is set up within the part tab of a nest. Nesting – Sheets, Library and Scrap – Mastercam When nesting, the option to create sheets on the fly as needed or import from a library is available.
To create sheets as needed or to create a sheet that will be saved to a library, right click over Sheet List in the Sheets tab. Adding Rectangular Once the rectangle is added, you can modify the size, the quantity, and apply a specific material.
Adding Chained Using chained geometry is useful for utilizing scraps and uniquely shaped stock. Creating Sheet Libraries Nesting sheet libraries contain full sheets and scrap sheets.
Sheet libraries are saved with an NSLX extension. When a sheet is saved to a library, the sheet geometry and settings for size, material, origin, grain direction, and quantity is retained. The library used for scrap is indicated here as well. An existing library or new library can be used.
Note: If there are existing scraps around the shop, the geometry can be drawn and the sheet can be added to the library using Add chained and Save to Library. Keep in mind that Mastercam is not an MRP system so you will need to manage these scrap yourself. Some users prefer to manually add scraps of standard sizes and not use this function.
Importing from a Library To import a sheet from a library, right-click in the Sheets List on the Sheets tab and choose Import from library. Choose Metric or Standard sheets. The check marks indicate what sheets you have selected. To delete a sheet s , select the sheet s and press delete on your keyboard. If the sheet you are deleting is selected to add to the Sheet List, it will still add it but will be deleted from the library for the next sheet import. Additions Trim Trim is found under the Additions tab.
This will square off the remaining material with a saw operation. The different options give you the opportunity to indicate what you would like to take priority in the sequence. Preferences for this will depend on different requirements. Longest distance first will give priority to the greatest distance available no matter the orientation.
Shortest distance first will give priority to the least distance available no matter the orientation. Note: If scrap is being save, the separate cut-offs are not saved, the irregular shape is. Set the minimum width for cut-off and set the parameters for the saw operation. The parameters for the saw operation are found under Advanced.
This toolpath allows only one along contour. Toolpath Creation Example 1 — Cleaning corners Below is an example of where a swept operation would be used to clean out corners in a profile, minimizing the radius.
This assumes the profile has been created with a contour operation with a profile tool. Note: For this example, surfaces have been created to make this part easier to see; however wireframe is required for this toolpath. Surfaces and solids are unnecessary. Note: Use Partial chain, select the start and end of the chain keep in mind the direction of the chain.
Alternative, if different color geometry has been used, select the chain based on the geometry color and use the Chain option instead of the partial chain. Select the across geometry using one of the options stated above. Keep in mind the direction of the contours as their directions dictate the direction the toolpath will go.
Review the parameters. They may need some modification depending on your part and the directions of your chains. Example 2 -Create Profile Below is an example of where a swept operation would be used to create the profile without roughing operation. Create geometry in the shape of the profile which will be the across contour and create geometry that dictates the path the profile will follow along contour.
Implementing successful post processors for decades, the post department at In-House Solutions has earned a reputation for quality, resulting in one of the largest post departments in the world. We have an extensive library that is continually developed and expanded to include current machines and controllers. If a post is not already available, we will develop a custom one for nearly any machine. We have great relationships with OEMs who provide technical information for both machines and controls, which in turn allows us to produce post processors that will generate edit-free code and run your machine efficiently.
Select the across geometry using Partial option. Select the first entity of the contour starting from the point of intersection. This toolpath can also be selected to rough out the part. A C-Hook is used to transform the finish toolpath into a rough toolpath. The side of the tool does not machine the walls. The Rolldie C-Hook toolpath is designed to compensate to the side of the tool and not to the center of the tool.
Creating Lines Vectors for Tool Axis Control When creating a Multi-axis toolpaths, the tool axis control needs to be set within the toolpath. Depending on the Multiaxis toolpath, there are several ways to control the tool axis orientation:.
This document will review two methods of creating lines also called vectors that can be used to control the axis of the tool. Option 1 – Using Line Normal This option requires that the user select each location where the vector will be created. Set whether or not Points will be created and if they will be, set the location Contact point or End point. Set the line Length and the Direction. Move the vector selector to the location required for the vector and left click. Several vectors may be required depending on the part.
Option 2 Using Point Segment This option will create vectors on set increments spacing. This is a faster way of creating vectors if multiple are needed or the part is large. Option 1 can also be used to add additional vectors if needed.
Some machines require equally spaced points along the curves to generate a proper toolpath. Use the Number of segments to create the points equally spaced.
From the Point Segment panel, set the segment Distance between points or the Number of points required and lock. In the case of a solid, the edge can be selected. If surfaces are used, an edge curve will need to be created. Points will be created along the edge or curve selected spaced out by the segment distance entered.
In the below example, a solid face is used; therefore, Face Selection was activated. Do not select the entire body. There are two options to installing the license key file; connected and not connected to the internet. This document shows how to process for both. Once the software is installed, if you do not have a license key file, it will function as a 30 days timed evaluation version.
This evaluation version has some technical limitations but will function for a period of 30 Days from when installed once the evaluation version has been installed; uninstalling will not reset the 30 day limitation. Upon purchase a. The temporary license key file is timed but allows the software to run as a licensed version within the time limit without requiring an Activation Key. The activation function will only allow the activation of the number of installations purchased and ties the install to the hardware.
Please ensure that the computer the software installed on is the computer you intend to use the software on before activating a permanent license key! For DNC-Max server software that is running as a service, the service will need to be stopped and the application DNC-Max server will need to be run as an application temporarily to allow for the activation process of a permanent license key. After the license is activated the DNC-Max application can be closed and the service can be restarted.
What type of License file do I have? This is an example of a temporary license file for a standalone system. This means the license file needs to be installed directly on the system in which Cimco is installed. This is an example of a temporary license file for a server setup. This means the license file needs to be installed on the system that is your Cimco License Server. This is an example of a permanent license file for a standalone system.
This is an example of a permanent license file for a server setup. The steps of getting both Activation Keys are the same. Once Step 1 is complete, launch the software. If your license key file is the Permanent license key file, you will be prompted with an Activation Key request window. Note: The System Identification Number from your computer is already in the right place.
Go to a computer that has internet connection or call someone who has the internet access such as our support department and have them get the Activation Key for you by going through the following procedure. Browse to order system. Trouble Shooting If you are using a floating or network license and more than one license file is present on the network, the key file may not install correctly.
The old key files need to be removed or the extension needs to be renamed to something other than key. Error on Install Issue: When installing the below error occurs and the install cannot be completed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services. This error occurred due to the users not having full administrative rights.
Give the user full administrative rights or install under another user that has them. If this error continues to occur, it can also been resolved by creating another user and install under that user. Note: It is also recommended that when installing the software, all firewalls, user account controls and anti-virus are turned off.
This error can occur while programing a Vertical Machining Center with a chuck and indexing about the A- axis around X-axis. To machine the Back face you cannot use the Back plane as the Tool plane and Construction plane. The X-axis will be orientated in the wrong direction. The following image shows Mastercam defined Top, Front and Back planes with their axes orientation. Note: The Back plane X-axis positive orientation is in the opposite direction that the X-axis in the Front plane.
To correct the problem, a new plane has to be defined that has the X-axis as well as the Y and Z axes orientated in the proper direction. Note: When programing parts in which you index the A-axis the Tool planes and the Construction planes should be defined by rotating the Top plane.
Use Dynamic plane to create the new planes. In the New Plane panel, enter a new name and make sure that you set the Origin where you needed. If you are creating a new toolpath, assign the new plane as the Tplane and Cplane. Do not set the plane as WCS. If need to modify the existing toolpath, once you create the new plane, make sure that you change the Tool plane and the Construction plane in the existing toolpath.
Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem. Recommendation 1: Make sure the latest update is installed for both Mastercam and SolidWorks. Recommendation 2: You have to unregister the component as Admin, and then re-register it as Admin.
Note: Depending on your computer operating system the instruction to open the Advanced Configuration can be slightly different. If a message “Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device” appear s on the screen, select Yes button to continue. Cannot Open SolidWorks Assembly Sldasm Mastercam still looks to the part files sldprt , therefore they need to be present in the same folder as the assembly file.
Cause: Mastercam dlls versions are older than the ones installed by Inventor , this causes a conflict. Solids History can only be read if SolidWorks is installed. Transferring Setups The following is a list a files and their location that can be transferred from one computer to another. Machine files — Control files. Operation Libraries. Operations Defaults. I do not recommend transferring your configuration because there will be different paths and settings from one computer to another.
Z2G file. Note: Zip2Go scans the machine groups in your current file and captures certain information such as your Mastercam configuration, machine definition, post files, tool and material libraries, Wire power libraries, ATP files, STL files, and machine group default and operation files.
Post Install Instructions Mastercam Save the zip file containing the post from your email to an appropriate place such as the desktop. Copy and paste the post file s. Please note the directories below are the default directories. Copy and paste the machine definition. Go back to Mastercam and add the machine to the appropriate Machine Type list if it does not already exist. Then select the machine from the list and click Add. To close the window, click the check mark.
Once the machine has been added, select it from the menu to make it active. This will load the new machine definition and control definition settings into your current Mastercam file and overwrite the old settings which the current file is using.
Note: Be sure to replace the machine definitions using the above steps whenever new machine and control definitions are received from your Mastercam reseller. Always keep a back-up copy of your existing machine control definitions along with the post.
Book a demo and see for yourself! Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. User Settings. Skip carousel. Carousel Previous. Carousel Next. What is Scribd? Explore Ebooks. Bestsellers Editors’ Picks All Ebooks. Your post may also prompt you for tool gage lengths. The nature of the additional information required largely depends on your machine’s configuration. Contact the developer of your post processor for details. MCAM” from the directory you saved the file in. The Machine Definition is a model of your machine tool’s capabilities and features and acts like a template for setting up machining jobs.
Figure: 2. Assign tool numbers sequentially allows you to overwrite the tool number from the library with the next available tool number First operation tool number 1; Second operation tool number 2, etc.
Warn of duplicate tool numbers allows you to get a warning if you enter two tools with the same number. Override defaults with modal values enables the system to keep the values that you enter. Feed Calculation set From tool uses feed rate, plunge rate, retract rate and spindle speed from the tool definition.
NOTE: Remember that the stock is not geometry and cannot be selected. You will use the defined stock while verifying the part. You can work with the full interface that gives you access to all the available parameters and options. You can also choose from a number of simplified interfaces that have been customized for specific applications and machining strategies.
These toolpaths work on surfaces. Solid selection is available for most advanced multiaxis toolpath strategies, with the following exceptions: toolpaths that require the selection of a defined edge solid edge and toolpaths that require the selection of only a single surface solid face. This is useful for engraving and similar applications. Projection curves should lie on or above the surface, within the maximum projection distance.
Toolpath Type The Toolpath Type page allows you to establish the type of multiaxis toolpath to create. The toolpath type controls the options available as you proceed down the tree structure. The Toolpath Type page allows you to select between the two toolpath groups, Pattern or Applications.
You can then choose one of the toolpaths inside of that group. Angle Step Discover other Mastercam Training Solutions at www. While there, be sure to join the conversation!
Expand your Mastercam knowledge, anytime and at your own pace, with our selection of step-by-step online video eCourses. Book a demo and see for yourself! This powerful solution prepares your students for the real world of robotics and provides them with the necessary skills to not only be hired, but to excel.
Implementing successful post processors for decades, the post department at In-House Solutions has earned a reputation for quality, resulting in one of the largest post departments in the world. We have an extensive library that is continually developed and expanded to include current machines and controllers.
If a post is not already available, we will develop a custom one for nearly any machine. We have great relationships with OEMs who provide technical information for both machines and controls, which in turn allows us to produce post processors that will generate edit-free code and run your machine efficiently.
Your name.