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Deep freeze software for pc free. Deep Freeze

Have questions about Deep Freeze? For troubleshooting, check out our Support Portal for answers to frequently asked questions. Mobile Device Management. Celebrating 20 years of innovation. Select Product. Faronics Labs. Contact Us. Deep Freeze. Edition Start Free Trial. Provides deep freeze software for pc free protection and complete security.
Protects multiple hard drives and partitions. Prevents configuration drift and accidental system misconfiguration. Helps deep freeze software for pc free Software compliance across all workstations. Protects workstations from unauthorized changes with a simple restart.
Install Deep Freeze and let users solve their own problems with the simple push of the restore button. Centralized deployment and management as well as a host of configuration options for the Enterprise.
Bulletproof disk protection for computing environments with 5 or less workstations. Cloud Solutions. Deep Freeze Cloud Reboot to restore and so much more in a cloud based solution for total control of your IT assets. Are you running Windows and Mac computers? Eliminate lockdown defense. Eliminate undetected threats. Get started with Deep Freeze Contact Us. Connect with our sales team to learn more about volume discounts, education pricing and perpetual licenses as these purchasing options are not available online.
Call from am – deep freeze software for pc free PST to speak to the Faronics sales team. Or, if you перейти на источник like us to contact you, please fill out and submit the form below. Helena St. Yes, I would like to receive updates from Faronics. Faronics would like to provide you with information about our other products and services, analyst reports, and webinar invitations by phone and email.
Tick the checkbox if you agree to being contacted in this way:. The software you are downloading may, whatsapp for pc windows 10 a normal course of its usage, report information back to Faronics regarding its installation and the devices deep freeze software for pc free is configured to manage.
Tick the checkbox to confirm that you have read the Product Data Factsheet and understand what data the software collects and reports:. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Call All rights reserved. Privacy Policy Terms of Use Sitemap.
Deep freeze software for pc free. DEEP FREEZE STANDARD
Desktop Enhancements. Networking Software. Software Coupons. Deep Freeze Standard Free to try. Protect and preserve original computer configurations. Uninstall Tool Free to try. Remove unneeded applications and system components from your PC.
Nox – Deep Freeze map Free. Feel the frozen kiss of death on your lips. IObit Uninstaller Free. Deep Freeze offers a standard free version of the software and a paid service available upon order. Shadow Defender and Reboot Restore offer much of the same tools but with differences in the software interface and usability. Rollback is another alternative software that protects your PC.
Faronics have created a unique program with functionality that contributes to various sectors of the economy—Deep Freeze functions in the medical, retail, government, and education industries.
We found the app to be efficient for new users and people with collective requirements too. This is a utility that will undoubtedly save PC users a lot of frustration. DF is an excellent product that provides ample security for machines that operate in high-usage environments or even within closed enterprises. Faronics has achieved several accolades from the industry, making them a trusted provider. Free mouse click automation tool.
Version 8. Operating Systems. Additional Requirements None. Total Downloads , Downloads Last Week Report Software. Related Software. Keep your business safe when e-mailing or going online. Pulse Secure for Windows 10 Free. Metasploit Free. Make penetration tests to manage expert-driven security assessments.
Net Monitor for Employees Professional Free to try. Monitor and control employee computers in your network. In this status the changes that are completed will take effect on the computer. If you need more information about how it works, you can always download the Deep Freeze manual.
Windows Security Deep Freeze Standard 8. Download Deep Freeze and avoid problems and errors Vote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Requirements and additional information:. The trial period lasts for 30 days.
This download requires a ZIP compatible compressor.
Deep freeze software for pc free. DEEP FREEZE
Faronics would like to provide you with information about our other products and services, analyst reports, and webinar invitations by phone and email. Programs released under this license can be used at eeep cost for both personal deep freeze software for pc free commercial purposes. Additional tools are offered with the enterprise and cloud services. That’s when the interface of Deep Freeze will open and you’ll be able to change the status to Thawed.
Deep Freeze Standard – Download for PC Free
Deep Freeze offers a standard free version of the software and a paid service available upon order. Updated Over a year ago.