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Keyboard shortcuts in Office
You don’t have to be a master of Microsoft Word to make use of some useful shortcuts. Yes, there are lots of Word shortcuts, but you don’t have to memorize them all. Just look for what you would use a lot – you’ll most probably be editing faster.
To use Backstage view, open the F ile page. To use themes, colors, and effects, such as pa g e borders, open the Design tab. To use common formatting commands, paragrap h styles, or to use the Find tool, open Home tab.
To m anage Mail Merge tasks, or to work with envelopes and labels, open Mailings tab. To i n sert tables, pictures and shapes, headers, or text boxes, open Insert tab. To work with p age margins, page orientation, indentation, and spacing, open Layout tab. To type a search term for Help content, open “Tell me” box on ribbon. To use Spell Check, set p r oofing languages, or to track and review changes to your document, open the Review tab. To add a table of content s , footnotes, or a table of citations, open the References tab.
To choose a document vie w or mode, such as Read Mode or Outline view, open the View tab You can also set Zoom magnification and manage multiple windows of documents. Select the active tab of the ribbon and activate the access keys. Move the focus to commands on the ribbon. Move the focus to each command on the ribbon, forward or backward, respectively.
Move down, up, left, or right among the items on the ribbon. Expand or collapse the ribbon. Display the shortcut menu for a selected item. Move the focus to a different pane of the window, such as the Format Picture pane, the Grammar pane, or the Selection pane. Activate a selected command or control on the ribbon.
Open a selected menu or gallery on the ribbon. Finish modifying a value in a control on the ribbon, and move focus back to the document. Cycle through floating shapes, such as text boxes or images press Tab repeatedly.
Exit the floating shape navigation and return to the normal navigation. Create a n ew document. O pen a document. Close a document. S plit the document window. Remove the do c ument window split. S ave a document. Insert a hyperlin k.
Go back one page. Go forward one page. P rint a document. Sw i tch to print preview. Move around the preview page when zoomed in. Move by one preview page when zoomed out.
Move to the first preview page when zoomed out. Move to the last preview page when zoomed out. Insert a comment in the Revision task pane. Turn chang e tracking on or off. C lose the Reviewing Pane if it is open.
Select Review tab on ribbon. Open the search box in the Navigation task pane. Replace text, specific formatting, and special item. G o to a page, bookmark, footnote, table, comment, graphic, or other location. Switch between the last four places that you have edited. One character to the left. One character to the right. One word to the left. One word to the right.
One paragraph up. One paragraph down. One cell to the left in a table. One cell to the right in a table. Up one line. Down one line. To the end of a line.
To the beginning of a line. To the top of the window. To the end of the window. Up one screen scrolling. Down one screen scrolling.
To the top of the next page. To the top of the previous page. To the end of a document. To the beginning of a document. To a previous revision. After opening a document, to the location you were working in when the document was last closed.
Mark a table o f contents entry. Mark a table of author i ties entry citation. Mark an inde x entry. Insert a f ootnote. Insert an en d note. Go to next footnote in Word Go to previous footnote in Word Go to “Tell me what you want to do” and Smart Lookup in Word Switch to Read Mode view. Switch to P rint Layout view. Switch t o Outline view. Switch to Draft view. Promote a paragraph. Demote a paragraph. Demote to body text.
Move selected paragraphs up. Move selected paragraphs down. Expand text under a heading. Collapse text under a heading. Exp a nd or collapse all text or headings. Hide or display character formatting.
Show the first l ine of text or all text. Show all headings with the Heading 1 style. Show all headings up to Heading Insert a tab character. Go to beginning of document. Go to end of document. Go to page Exit Read mode.
Keyboard shortcuts for microsoft word 2019 free
Mar 01, · Below are the top 10 keyboard shortcuts we recommend everyone memorize and use. Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert and Ctrl+X. Both Ctrl + C and Ctrl + Insert will copy highlighted text or a selected item. Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert. Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y. Ctrl+F and Ctrl+G. Alt+Tab or Ctrl+Tab. Ctrl+S. Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+End. Ctrl+P. Dec 26, · 1 Alt + F To use Backstage view, open the File page Create and edit documents (1 / 17 shortcuts) -1 Alt + Ctrl + S Split the document window Work with web content (1 / 7 shortcuts) 0 Ctrl + K Insert a hyperlink Check spelling and review changes in a document (1 / 4 shortcuts) 0 Ctrl + ↑ Shift + E Turn change tracking on or off. May 23, · CTRL+SHIFT+END highlights all text from the cursor point to the end of the document and moves the cursor to the end. CTRL+SHIFT+HOME highlights all text from the cursor point to the beginning of the document and moves the cursor to the beginning. In both these cases it would be very easy to delete a lot of text by accident.
Keyboard shortcuts for microsoft word 2019 free. Keyboard shortcuts for the File menu in Office for Windows
[Ctrl+à] to move the cursor over a single word and [Ctrl+â] to move the cursor up or down an entire paragraph. [Shift+à] to select a single character, [Ctrl+. Ctrl+A = Select all. Frequently used shortcuts ; Open a document. Ctrl+O ; Create a new document. Ctrl+N ; Save the document. Ctrl+S ; Close the document. Ctrl+W.