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Nucleus transform causes problem for bend on some hairs. Playback and creation performance for nHair with output curves has deteriorated. Maya on Linux crashes at the end of a simulation. Random simulation crashes – Moving the mouse cursor out then back causes a crash. nCloth – input attract not respecting collisions.
nCloth input attract gives unexpected results running at speed with weights less than 1. Color Chooser eyedropper is not functioning with external pointing device on Mac OS X. Mac OS X: Selecting Cancel in save prompt dialog window for closing Maya closes Maya anyway. Create Text with default Courier font fails. Missing Courier font on Linux. Setting camera visibility when looking through it causes other image planes to disappear.
mental ray for Maya now renders your material assignments correctly when all of the faces of a surface have had a material override. Image planes: setting the Film roll on the camera breaks alpha gain on connected image plane. Maya fails to provide up-to-date geometry to custom renderer. Convert to File Texture: color is incorrect on Linux. Objects appear black when scaled with a negative value with “use default material” option in Viewport 2.
Opening a tif file that has multiple alpha channels crashes Maya when it tries to create a thumbnail. MGeometryExtractor didn’t get implemented completely to support second UV sets. Adding render pass when Hypershade or Node Editor is open causes crash.
Painting on textured object leads to crash JasperSlice. dll in maya. exe: 0xC Integer division by zero. Make the wireframe visible during interactive object creation, like it is in a regular viewport. Image plane isn’t updated properly in Viewport 2.
Substance Attribute Editor in Maya is broken when loading scene from Maya hw2 Viewport 2. xray mode now works with Use default material.
Skinning : Crash re-opening scene file after binding skin. Wireframe object is always drawn at the back of image plane. Memory leak in sample plug-in “viewRenderOverride”. Error in Python command “hyperShade” examples.
Escalation: Crash with 2k stereo panel offscreen playblast. GPU Texture Ram Exceeded – memory leak. Light linking behavior with mental ray IBL light changed in Extension for Maya Setting camera image plane changes visibility of camera hierarchy.
Error when renaming image planes or disconnecting image planes. dx11Shader plug-in : “COLOR0” Semantics initial value. Maya: Send to Mudbox and back – Textures don’t display in Viewport 2. Material information lost after Hypershade Delete Unused Nodes. File with referenced scene that contains CGFX shaders crashes. EXR textures used in the DX11 shader are being corrupted. headsUpMessage disappears based on camera near clip-plane.
Mac OS X only: error on load of EXR files with File Texture node, does not display in swatch or Viewport 2. Viewport 2. Batch render crashes on attempt to autoload Turtle plug-in. Wrong setting in project file of cgfx shader under devkit plug-ins directory.
Maya crashes in wireframe mode in high quality viewport or Viewport 2. hlslShader attribute shader parameter name issues. Loading unregistered fragment through fragment manager crashes.
Turtle saves corrupt TGA file when baking. Python でのスクリプト作成. PyQt can cause Maya to crash. MEL memory command returns inconsistent results. Maya crashes when combination of code is executed by executeDeferred. py will unexpectedly retain the spaces and thus cause indentation issues, causing code compilation failure. Crash on file command querying a blank location.
Mac OS X – Maya crashes with python Lib – deeXVrayFast. A problem occurs in shelfEditorWindow. UI 構造. Rotate, Move and Scale tool actions with middle mouse button are interrupted when holding and releasing hotkeys. Querying the objectTypeUI ‘listAll’ argument is broken. Crash when exiting Maya on idle with modal CIP dialog still open. UI アトリビュート エディタ. Hidden dynamic controls in the Attribute Editor take up unnecessary space. Children of compound attributes are sometimes named incorrectly.
UI 全般. Display layer with the same name as a shelf will destroy that shelf. Framing zoom levels not consistent when changing units.
SetFocusToNumericInputLine hotkey setting doesn’t work at all. Previously, when you press the “Camera Attributes” button in the panel toolbar, the current camera is selected instead while it is displayed in the Attribute Editor and your initial selection is lost. This has now been fixed. QTableView clicked causes Maya to crash. The default value of this variable is 1. When this environment variable is set to 0, clicking a hotkey only affects the workspace that has focus.
If you want to use the hotkey with a different workspace, you may need to click on the workspace to bring focus to that area before your hotkey takes effect.
ToolClip offset distance is too small. Undo in the Script Editor no longer works with the Clear History function. modelEditor stateString query returns unsupported flag. UI ノード エディタ. Node Editor: Node names should be fully legible at reasonable zoom levels. Node Editor: inMesh attribute not displayed in mesh node’s input superport menu. Nodes in Node Editor are over-scaled when duplicated. Node Editor: Tweak node doesn’t work properly in full mode shows primary attributes.
Node Editor: Merged connections don’t display properly when the multi-attribute is partially expanded. Node Editor: Fix layout inconsistencies when regraphing the same objects. Node Editor filter field issue with attribute names.
In Maya , the Node Editor always output statistics to the Node Editor window. Grease Pencil : Does not work when camera is parented to an animated object. 回避策: ペアレント コンストレイントを使用してカメラをアニメートされたオブジェクトにコンストレイントします 。. Grease Pencil : Scaling frames on the time slider does not respect “snapping” time slider preferences. Live Connection sometimes fail between Maya and Motion Builder. 回避策: MotionBuilder が起動して「Maya に接続されました Connected to Maya 」と表示されると、「Maya に接続されました Connected to Maya 」ステータスの隣に小さな[更新] Update ボタンが現れます。[更新] Update をクリックし、Maya から[ライブ接続] Live Connection を再試行してください。.
Mirror Skin Weights on selected components produces incorrect results. Update Maya Library to run as a process Previously, in FaceRobot, each library referring to files Stage 1 Assemble : Heads, Parts, Actor, Custom and Type; Stage 5 Act : Motion and Pose only supported one path at a time.
This has been modified to support many paths by storing the previous paths in a drop down menu. Selecting a new library path now stores it in the drop down menu for easy access later on when jumping from one library path to another. MUiMessage::MStringFunction has been removed as it was a duplicate of MMessage::MStringFunction. Any plug-ins using the former must be changed to use the latter instead. Currently, type casting is only supported for MPx based classes; it is not supported for user-derived non-MPx classes.
Therefore, if you perform type casting on non-MPx classes, data added to the derived classes will be ignored and truncated when passed to the Maya API. Locked DAG container allows parenting Old behavior: If a dagContainer itself is locked, the user can still parent another unlocked dag node under this dagContainer. New behavior: If a dagContainer itself is locked, the user CANNOT parent another unlocked dag node under this dagContainer. For any other dag node that is not a dagContainer, parenting any other unlocked dag node under it is still permitted.
When parenting an object into a Scene Assembly containing an asset, the object is parented, but disappears in the Outliner hierarchy. Bullet acceleration has no effect on Rigid Bodies. The gpuCache plug-in in the devkit does not compile. GPU memory of Quadro on Mac is detected as by gpuCache, and then the Maximum VRAM for gpuCache is set as 0 by default.
You must manually set the “Maximum VRAM for All Cache Buffers”. Do not use the default setting; otherwise the playback performance of the gpuCache will not be optimal because it doesn’t use GPU memory at all. DirectConnect not supported on Mac OS X MatchMover documentation not updated 回避策: MatchMover の更新ドキュメントをオンライン www. Composite documentation not updated 回避策: オンラインで Composite の更新ドキュメントをオンライン www.
The mayaBinary file size limitation 2 GBytes has been removed to support a larger file size. Maya now writes Maya binary files with a new IFF format. The chunk size is bit. The new format is not compatible with the old IFF format where the chunk size is bit. Older releases of Maya cannot open these new binary files. 回避策: ユーザが pluginPrefs. mel ファイルを修正することによってプラグインに強制的に自動ロードを実行させます。. When using the Autodesk uninstall tool with the Maya package, if you choose to uninstall a program other than Maya, a warning appears and you are unable to uninstall.
The same occurs for Composite and MatchMover. Plug-in assembly load error occurs when using the ‘send to’ options from the Ultimate Suite The ‘send to’ options from the Ultimate Suite 4. Localized default file name causes crash when one-click function is used to send file to other software. html このプリファレンスは、Maya オンライン ヘルプのローカライズ版が利用できるようになったときに、「Autodesk ウェブ サイト」にリセットすることができます。 ただし、この回避策が適用できるのは、Maya 以前のバージョンから存在していた UI のみです。新規または更新された UI については、英語版の Maya ヘルプ www.
HIK Control loads plug-in language resource file many times in Japanese or Chinese mode When using Maya in Japanese or Simplified Chinese, if you try to use the Character Controls and click the Control tab, Maya attempts to load a plug-in language resource file multiple times and Maya slows down as a result. 回避策: 1. mel 32 行目を次のようにコメントアウトします。 処理前: loadPluginLanguageResources “mayaHIK”, “mayaHIK.
mel” ; 2. HIK を使用する前にスクリプト エディタから以下のコマンドを手動で実行して、日本語 UI および簡体字中国語 UI 用の HIK プラグイン リソースを初期化してください。 loadPluginLanguageResources “mayaHIK”, “mayaHIK. Unified Sampling is enabled unexpectedly when bringing legacy scenes into In Maya , if you open a scene from a previous version of Maya that renders using the mental ray for Maya renderer, your sampling settings are changed to use Unified Sampling.
Some features, such as contour rendering, are not supported with Unified Sampling. To render such scenes with their previously-saved legacy sampling settings, choose Legacy Sampling Mode in the mental ray Render Settings, Quality tab. The commands: setAttr “miDefaultOptions. miRenderUsing” 2; Standard Legacy Mode and setAttr “miDefaultOptions. miRenderUsing” 1; Legacy Rasterizer mode can also be used to revert to legacy sampling. New Presets are also available for Unified Sampling in the main Render Settings Presets menu, including: Preview, Production, FinalFrameEXR.
mi” file from mentalrayFromMaya Maya can be copied into the mental ray Standalone installation, replacing the installed “subsurface. mi” file. To improve stability, delete history on combined meshes before enabling Quad Draw. Modeling Toolkit: Mesh Editing tools do not stay active upon file save Modeling Toolkit tools including mesh editing tools like Quad Draw, Multi-Cut, and so forth are deactivated after saving a scene. Scene Assembly does not support File Referencing.
Manipulator handles on the active tool Move, Rotate, Scale are no longer visible after Assembly representations switch. 回避策: ツールを再選択します。. Opening the Namespace Editor in scenes with large assembly reference hierarchies causes Maya to freeze. Cannot use Custom Scene Assembly render settings to render GPU Cache representations in Viewport 2.
回避策: [GPU キャッシュ プリファレンス] GPU Cache Preferences の[バックグラウンド読み込み] Background Reading をオフにします。. Using the Python MEL command with MFnAssembly methods may crash Maya.
Undo does not remove applied Scene Assembly edits. 回避策: [アセンブリ編集をリスト] List Assembly Edits ウィンドウの[選択した編集済みの除去] Remove Selected Edits を使用します。. Scene Assembly does not support Animated sweep.
Scene Assembly does not support Animated Snapshot. Scene Assembly does not support motion path animation. Scene Assembly does not fully support set driven key data.
Scene Assembly does not support Character sets. Deleting animation curves connected to assembly reference nodes or members may produce incorrect edits. Complex scenes in Viewport 2. This limitation has been fixed for Mac OS X Incorrect coloring on wireframes for some ghosts There is a difference between Viewport 2.
Animation layer ghosting is a common place for this to happen. Marquee selection in the UV Editor and default viewport causes cascading artifacts with ATI Radeon 回避策: 年 6 月のドライバ 8. 回避策: タイム カーソルを動かしてシェーディングを更新します。. The interfaces MPxVertexBufferGenerator and MPxVertexBufferMutator have changed, and plug-in writers who have implemented those interfaces must update their plug-in to the new interface.
Failure to switch between Viewport 2. When running the scene view in overlay render mode, you may not be able to override your renderer. For example, when running the marqueeTool from the devkit, when the marqueeTool plug-in is executed, you enter into overlay render mode. If you then try to override your renderer by switching to a custom renderer via the Renderer menu , the heads up display still indicate Viewport 2.
To work around this issue, refresh the scene view by tumbling the camera. The interface to MPxPrimitiveGenerator has changed and plug-in developers must update their plug-ins to the new interface. When running DirectX 11 mode in Viewport 2. The use of WARP is indicated in the output window when the renderer is first used. In addition, the heads-up display, which indicates the current renderer, also indicates that WARP is being used. Refer to the documentation from Microsoft for more details.
Note that WARP may not support the full set of features that a hardware rasterizer supports. This is more noticeable with the Windows 7 platform than with the Windows 8 platform. WARP is currently not a qualified configuration. fxo cause shaders to be reset in Maya In Extension 1 and Extension 2 for Maya , Maya used UI names instead of shader variable names for the attribute names of HLSL shaders for use with DX11 in Viewport 2.
This is different from the behavior of other software such as 3ds Max, and therefore you may not be able to export your Maya file using FBX for use with 3ds Max. This affects both your custom HLSL shaders and the MayaUberShader. fxo shaders provided by Maya. In Maya , Maya now uses shader variable names for attribute names for HLSL shaders. If you attempt to use the MayaUberShader. fx or. fxo に置き換えて、シェーダのアトリビュート値を復元することもできます。 新規プロジェクトには、Maya に付属の AutodeskUberShader.
fxo ファイルを使用することを推奨します。. Setting this environment variable allows the image plane to be included in the calculations of all scene post effects, such as screen space ambient occlusion, depth of field and motion blur. Instances of plug-in shapes using MpxGeometryOverride may display incorrectly if they attempt to draw some instances differently than others by adding custom user render items, or using MRenderItem::enable bool to disable Maya render items.
There may be some lighting errors on instanced objects with non-uniform scales or materials with bump maps. With AMD video cards in OpenGL mode, instanced objects with textures in certain scenes may randomly lose their textures. Untextured mode still works correctly with GPU Instancing. DirectX 11 mode on AMD video cards in Windows works correctly with textures. Instanced objects with CPV-per-instance or UV-per-instance may display incorrectly. Instanced objects may not draw correctly when the Transparency Algorithm is set to Depth Peeling.
The behaviour of Maya’s ‘memory’ command has been made more consistent.