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Function of office button in microsoft powerpoint 2007 free. PowerPoint Presentation
› microsoft-powerpoint Click Microsoft Office PowerPoint The PowerPoint program appears onscreen. Windows Vista. 1. Click the Windows Start button. The Start menu appears. The Microsoft Office Button appears in the upper-left corner of the window in several Microsoft Office programs, such as Word and Excel. But the button.
Function of office button in microsoft powerpoint 2007 free
Introduction Many a time, when we want to communicate our message to a mass of people we use the presentation as our mode of communication which can be a vocal ссылка на продолжение or it can be in the written form.
An effective presentation is one which leaves everlasting impact on the audience. In the previous chapter,you have learned the use of Microsoft Worda program which helps to create attractive text documents. Microsoft Word is one of the members of Microsoft Office familly. In this chapter, we are going to start ссылка на страницу another important member of Microsoft Office family, i.
Microsoft powerpoint is a program that helps to create computer based presentation in a simple and easy way. A presentation is a systematic display of information in the form of text, graphics, sounds, movies, etc. The information in a presentation is stored in the shape of slides.
Click Start button on the taskbar. Select All Programs. Move to Microsoft Office. Click Microsoft Office Powerpoint View Buttons They are used to display the presentation in different views. Microsoft Office Button It performs many functions like to create a new presentation, open an existing presentation, save and save as,print,send or close. Ribbon It is located just above slide pane. Each tab is divided into groups.
The groups are the logical collection of features designed to perform function that are used to make a presentation. Quick Access Toolbar It is customization toolbar that contains commands you may want function of office button in microsoft powerpoint 2007 free use.
Mini Toolbar. This is a floating toolbar that is displayed, when you select text or right click text. Slide View This is the normal view of power point which allows you to create, edit, format or design your presentation slides. PowerPoint opens a blank presentation for you in the beginning named Presentation 1. You can change this name while saving your presentation. The first default blank slide of your presentation appears on the screen.
Microsoft PowerPoint offers different ways to create a new presentation. You can choose from any of the following method, depending or your needs:. Blank Presentation: To create customized presentation 2. Installed Templates: To create presentation using contents and design suggested by power point. Installed Themes: To create presentation using a design template.
When you start Microsoft PowerPointfunction of office button in microsoft powerpoint 2007 free default it starts a new presentation for you in the form of Blank Presentation. This is one of the easiest methods to design a windows 10 recycle icon png free download as in this you can choose your own format and colour scheme as per your needs.
While working in Powerpoint if you want продолжить чтение start a new blank presentation:. A Blank presentation is started with a blank slide inserted in it. The default layout of this slide is Title Slide which can be changed using slides group under the Home tab by clicking layout drop list button. If function of office button in microsoft powerpoint 2007 free want to use some other slide layouts for your slide, then click Layout drop button in the Slides group available under Home Tab to get various function of office button in microsoft powerpoint 2007 free types of посмотреть еще layouts in the expanded list.
Click the layout that you want for your slide. Just follow the instructions written in the placeholders to use them for making your slide. If it is a text placeholder, you will get an insertion point inside the box to type your text.
After typing the text, click outside the text placeholder. The rectangular box will disappear leaving the text at that position. Add to your Knowledge: A Placeholder is a dotted rectangular box on the slide that can hold text, graphics, tables, etc.
Microsoft Powerpoint has predesigned themes in it, called Design Templates, that you can use for your presentation. There are various types of design templates which can give your specific design concept, font colour scheme, etc. If you want to change the selected theme of your presentation or you want to change the theme of a specific slide free ps2 games for pc full version the presentation, do as follow:. After completing the first slide of your Presentation, you have to insert a new blank slide in the presentation to function of office button in microsoft powerpoint 2007 free the next slide.
Think and Answer: Name any two objects other than Clip Art which can be inserted on the slide using Placeholders. Saving a Presentation means saving all the slides of that presentation together as a single file. To Save Your Presentation:. If you want to work once again in your previously saved presentation, you can function of office button in microsoft powerpoint 2007 free the same as follows:.
Closing a Presentation After finishing your Presentation, you can close it as follows:. By now, you know how to create a Presentation. Now, You will see all your slides one-by-one on full monitor screen. Powerpoint gives you the option to display all the slides one-by-one sequentially on full screen. This process is called Slide Show.
Your first slide function of office button in microsoft powerpoint 2007 free appear on full screen mode. Press the Enter key on the keyboard or click left mouse button to bring the next slide on the Screen. Continue like this till the end of the Presentation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Starting Powerpoint To start Microsoft powerpoint 1.
The following Powerpoint window will appear on the screen as shown below. The various components of Microsoft Powerpoint screen are: Title Bar It displays the name of file along with the program. Slide pane An area where the slides are created. Notes pane It is used to type speaker notes for the current slide. Mini Toolbar This is a floating toolbar that is displayed, when you select text or right click text. You can choose from any of the following method, depending or your needs: 1. You can also use your existing presentation as tutorial affinity designer beginner free download to create new presentation.
Creating presentation using Blank Presentation When you start Microsoft PowerPointby default it starts a new presentation for you in the form of Blank Presentation. While working in Powerpoint if you want to start a new blank presentation: Click Microsoft Office button. Select New option it it to open New presentation dialog box. Click Blank presentation option under the Blank and recent section. Click Create button. Now click inside the subtitle placeholder and type your name with a heading created By.
Now click outside the text box to remove the placeholder. Using Installed Themes Microsoft Powerpoint has predesigned themes in it, called Design Templates, that you can use for your presentation. To select an installed theme for your presentation slider: Click New option in the Microsoft Office button menu.
Click on Installed Theme in the upper left corner. Double click a template that you would like to apply. Function of office button in microsoft powerpoint 2007 free selected template will be applied to the current presentation. Changing the Theme of an Individual Side or Entire Presentation If you want to change the selected theme of your presentation or you want to change the theme of a specific slide in the presentation, do as follow: Open the presentation and select the slide whose theme is to be changed.
Click on Design Tab. Select the new theme for your presentation from the Themes group by clicking on it. The selected design will appear on the slide. To apply the new theme on all the presentation slides, right-click on the selected theme in the Themes group function of office button in microsoft powerpoint 2007 free choose the option Apply to All Slides.
To Insert a New Slide After completing the first slide of your Presentation, you have to insert a new blank slide in the presentation to create the next slide.
A list of blank slide layouts appear. Click the product key microsoft powerpoint 2016 free slide layout For example, two contents in the list. A new slide will appear in the slide pane area along with required placeholders. Now click in the title placeholder and type the heading what is Computer? Click one of the text box below the title and type the definition of function of office button in microsoft powerpoint 2007 free.
To insert the Clip-art picture of computer, click the Clip Art icon in the placeholder. A Clip Art task pane will appear. Saving a Presentation Saving a Presentation means saving all the slides of that presentation together as a single file. Save As dialog box appears. Type the name of your Presentation in the File name box.
Click the Save button to save your work. To Open an Existing Presentation If you want to work once again in your previously saved presentation, you can open the same as follows: Select Open option from the Microsoft Office button menu. Open dialog box will display on the screen.
Select your file from the list displayed in the open dialog box. Click Open button.